Ladies, dare eccentricity with knee socks Achile

There are dress codes which are difficult to get rid of repetitive want to impose over the centuries. When women think stockings in the twenty-too ​​many are still those that combine stockings with conventional low, black or flesh. Fortunately, an actor of the sock and underwear chose to revolutionize all this: Achile. The French manufacturer finally brings a touch of eccentricity and whimsy to a clothing accessory that already has it all.

Knee-highs declined in different forms

Forget therefore the classic knee-highs, and room for originality. With their superb zip, mid-low Zip Achile are suggestive and playful. For artists in search of colors, stockings Sofia offer very original stripes that are sure to enhance the legs they will dress. The most diabolical minds will turn to the model stockings Judy, whose mixture of red and black color is also quite evocative. And this list of stockings Achile is far from exhaustive, including declination models evoked in different colors.

Knee socks in wool and cotton

The appearance should not take precedence over comfort. So that the legs of these ladies feel comfortable and be comfortably dressed, Achile made the choice of quality materials for the manufacture of stockings. Cotton and wool and account for much of the composition of stockings. Knee-highs, which in addition, are made in France by employees passionate about their work.

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