This site is published by THE SOCKS OFFICE, SARL, with a registered capital of 15,790 and registered headquarters at 37 rue des bonnetiers 60220 Moliens, Beauvais companies register no RCS 47945490200038

Intra-community VAT number: FR24479454902

CNIL declaration number: 1661038v0.

Publication director: Nathalie CROUZET


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Fax: 03 44 46 46 49


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The web site is owned and operated by THE SOCKS OFFICE. All components of the site, including stylesheets, domain names, text, comments, photos, videos, trademarks, graphics, designs, illustrations, images and any other distinctive signs, appearing on the Web Site are protected by intellectual property and copyright law currently in effect and the rights thereto are held by THE SOCKS OFFICE.

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