Pragmatism and efficiency in meeting with different batches of socks Achile
Why choose socks pairwise when has the option to acquire the batch? You ask yourself this question? The Achile brand is also posed. For a long time, the sock manufacturer has chosen to arrive at a simple answer by offering its customers different lots of socks.
Lots of simple, colorful socks
For Achile, lot of socks does not mean addition of identical socks. The brand known for its originality has a reputation to defend. In the French group, thus combines in these different batches of several pairs of socks socks that do not offer all the same esthetic. Color is one of the main components declined in these socks lots. This is particularly the case in lots of socks Small Logo. A color swatch, then can satisfy fans of the brand logo of the Achile, the man in a chair who wish to give their pair of socks with their dress without losing the visibility of the logo
Lots of original and whimsical socks
For those who take more account of the originality of socks to dress their feet, fancy socks lots Achile multiply by three the chances of meeting them. With fancy high socks lots, you do indeed have the possibility of varying shapes, colors and logos every day. Two different batches of Achile socks and you are ready (e) to decorate your feet differently every day of the week.